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Révision datée du 7 mai 2021 à 15:11 par Dick Van Gelder (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « fr:Crea en:Crea {{Infobox Creabook |title = Crea |image = CREA_Creafree.jpeg ‎ |cadaster = Cf 2018 00000000FE 11 |creator = Alain_Souloumiac|Alain Souloumiac… »)
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CREA Creafree.jpeg

Cadaster#: Cf 2018 00000000FE 11
Créateur: Alain Souloumiac

If you want to contest the originality of this creation, Send us your comments


Authentic: product or service of undisputed origin.

Compliance: examination conducted by an accredited expert to label Creabooks which meet the requirements of the Creafree Standard.

Crea: global currency issued to finance world's creation’s investments.

Creabook: book describing and claiming ownership of a creation according to the Creafree Standard.

Creation: original work of the mind.

Creator: human being(s) producing a creation.

Economy: examination conducted by an accredited expert to validate the economic evaluation of a creation according to Creafree Standard.

Label: exam conducted by one or more accredited experts to ensure that a Creabook meets the requirements of conformity, economy and / or originality defined by the Creafree Standard.

Currency: payment mean generally accepted in a given community.

Originality: examination conducted by an accredited jury of world experts to label a creation as meeting the originality requirements defined by the Creafree Standard.

Reference: code linking interdependent data.

Research and Development: activity conducted to produce one or more creations.

Single Registry: database where creatives, actors, or operations related to creative activities can be registered at world level. Standard: recommendation issued by a private organization prescribing actions ruling a product or service according to the state of the art and / or to contractual commitments.

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